Lately there’s been some interest in build processes among various people — Vellum was announced a while back, Ben has been looking for a tool and looking at Fabric, and Kevin announced Paver. At the same time zc.buildout is starting to gain some users outside of the Zope world, and I noticed Minitage as an abstraction on top of zc.buildout.
A while ago I started working on a build project for Open Plans called fassembler. I think the result has been fairly successful and maintainable, and I thought I’d share some of my own reflections on that tool.
Update: what we were trying to accomplish
I didn’t make it clear in the post just what we were trying to do, and what this build system would accomplish.
Our site ( is made up of several separate servers with an HTML-rewriting proxy on the front end. We have a Zope server running a custom application, Apache running WordPress MU, and some servers running Pylons or other Python web applications for portions of our site. We needed a way to consistently reproduce this entire stack, all the pieces, plugged together so that the site would actually work. Two equally important places where we had to reproduce the stack are for developer rigs and the production site.
Our code is primarily Python and we use a lot of libraries, developed both internally and externally. Setting up the site is primarily a matter of installing the right libraries and configuration and setting up any databases (both a ZODB databases and several MySQL databases). We use a few libraries written in C, but distutils handles the compilation of those pretty transparently.
For this case we really don’t care about build tools that focus on compilation. We don’t care about careful dependency tracking because we are compiling very little software.
make doesn’t make sense
Update 2: If you think the make model makes lots of sense, read the preceding section — it makes sense for a different problem set than what we’re doing.
We initially had a system based on BuildIt, which is kind of like make with Python as the control code. It wasn’t really a good basis for our build tool, and I think it added a lot of confusion, compounded by the fact that we weren’t quite sure what we wanted our build to do. Ultimately I think the make model of building doesn’t make sense.
The make model is based on the idea that you really want to save work. So you detect changes and remake things only as necessary. For compilation this might make sense, because you edit code and recompile a lot and it’s tedious to wait. But we are building a website, and installing software, and none of that style of efficiency matters. make-style detection of work to be done doesn’t even save any time. But it does make the build more fragile (e.g., if you define a dependency incorrectly) and much harder to understand, and you constantly find yourself wiping the build and starting from scratch because you don’t trust the system.
The metaphor for the new build system was much simpler: do a list of things, top to bottom. There’s no effort into detecting changes in the build, or changes in the settings, or anything else.
Do things carefully
In the build system almost all actions go through the filemaker module. This is kind of a file abstraction library. But the goals are entirely different than convenience: the goal is transparency and safety. In contrast Paver uses for convenience, but I’m not sure what the win would be if we used a model like that.
filemaker itself is heavily tied to the framework that it’s written for, specifically user interaction and logging. Most tasks just do things, and rely on filemaker to detect problems and ask the user questions. For example, every time a file is written, it checks if the file exists, and if it has the same content. If it exists with other content, it asks the user about what to do. It doesn’t overwrites files without asking (at least by default). I think this makes the tool more humane as the default behavior for a build is to be careful and transparent. The build author has to go out of their way to make things difficult.
Many zc.buildout recipes will blithely overwrite all sorts of files which always made me very uncomfortable with the product. It’s the recipes in zc.buildout which do this, not the buildout framework itself, but because buildout made overwriting the easy thing to do, and didn’t start with humane conventions or tools, this behavior is the norm.
What I think filemaker most accomplished was the ability to do file operations while also asserting the expected state of the system, and so makes build bugs noticeable earlier instead of getting a build process that finishes successfully but creates a buggy build, or having an exception show up far from where the error was originally introduced.
Also, because it won’t overwrite your work in progress this has saved the build from engendering deep feelings of hatred in cases when it might overwrite your work in progress. It’s hard to detect this absence of hatred, but I know that I’ve felt it with other systems.
Update: a corollary: ignore no errors
One question you might wonder about: why not a shell script? We did prototype some things as shell scripts, but we’ve consistently moved to Python at some point, even things that seemed really trivial. The problem with shell scripts is they have horribly bad behavior with respect to errors. Ignoring errors is really really easy, noticing errors is really hard.
This is absolutely unacceptable for builds. Builds must not ignore errors. The build may mostly work despite an error. It might be totally broken, but the error message is lost in all sorts of useless output. The error message probably makes no sense. The context is lost. No suggestion is given to the user.
When builds work, that’s great. Build do not always work. They always fail sometimes, and some poor sucker (usually in some hot potato-like arrangement) has to figure out what went wrong. You have to plan for these problems.
Everything in the build tries to be careful about errors. All places where it is not, it is a bug. The resolution isn’t to see something appear to work, but create a broken build, and say "oh, you forgot to set X". The resolution is to make sure when you forget to set X it gives you an error that tells you to set X.
This is one of the more important and more often ignored principles of a good build/deployment system. Maybe it’s gotten better, but when I first used zc.buildout (very early in its development) the poor handling of errors was by far the biggest problem and it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. easy_install and setuptools in general is also very flawed in this respect.
Log interesting things
I tried to make a compromise between logging very verbosely, and being too quiet. As a user, I want to see everything interesting and leave out everything boring. Determining interesting and boring can be a bit difficult, but really just require some attention and tweaking.
To make it possible to visually parse the output of the tool I found both indentation and color to be very useful. Indentation is used to represent subtasks, and color to make sections and warnings stand out.
The default verbosity setting is not to be completely quiet. Silence is a Unix convention that just doesn’t work for build tools. Silence gets you interactions like this:
$ build-something target-directory/
(much time passes)
Error: cannot write /home/ianb/builds/20080426/target-directory/products/AuxInput/auxinput/config/configuration.xml
Why did it want to write that file? Why can’t it write that file? Is the build buggy? Did I misconfigure it? Does the directory exist?
The typical way of handling this is either to run the build again with logging setup or otherwise make it more verbose, or to get in the habit of always running it verbose.
Mixing code and configuration
BuildIt, which we were using before, had the ability to put variables in settings, and you could read an option from another section with something like ${section/option}. It was limited to simple (but recursive) variable substitution, and had some clever but very confusing rules that created a kind of inheritance.
I liked the ability to do substitution, but wasn’t happy with the compromise BuildIt made. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out the context of substitutions. So, I saw two directions. One was to remove the cleverness and just do simple substitution. This is the choice zc.buildout made. The other was to go whole-hog. With a bit of trepidation I decided to to go for it, and I made the choice to treat all configuration settings as Tempita templates. All configuration is generally accessed via config.setting_name, and that lazily interpolates the setting (it took me quite a while to figure out how to avoid infinite loops of substitution). Because evaluation is done lazily settings can depend on each other and be overridden and have lots of code in defaults (e.g., a default that is calculated based on the value of another setting), and it works out okay. Most settings just ended up having a smart default, and as a result very little tweaking of the configuration is necessary.
Somewhat ironically the result was a kind of atrophying of the settings, because no one actually set them, instead we just tweaked the defaults to get it right. Now I’m not entirely sure what exactly the "settings" are setting, or who they should really belong to. To the build? To the tasks? While this is conceptually confusing, in practice it isn’t so bad. This mixing of code and configuration has been distinctly useful, and not nearly as problematic to debug as I worried it would be. In some ways it was a way of building lambda into every string, and the lazy evaluation of those strings has been really important. But it’s not clear if they are really settings.
Would normal string interpolation have been enough (e.g., with string.Template)? I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have been. The ability to do a little math or use functions that read things from the environment has been very important.
Managing Python libraries
fassembler uses virtualenv for building each piece of the stack. Generally it creates several environments and installs things into them — it doesn’t run inside the environments itself. This works fine.
zc.buildout in comparison does some fancy stuff to scripts where specific eggs are enabled when you run a script. Each script has a list of all the eggs to enable. You can’t install things or manage anything manually, even to test — you always have to go through buildout, and it will regenerate the scripts for you. zc.buildout was implemented at the same time as workingenv (the predecessor to virtualenv), and I actually finished virtualenv with fassembler in mind, so I can’t blame zc.buildout for not using virtualenv. That said, I don’t think the zc.buildout system makes any sense. And it’s really complicated and has to access all sorts of not-really-public parts of easy_install to work.
Isolation is only the start. easy_install makes sure each library’s claimed dependencies are satisfied. You might then think easy_install would do all the work to make the stack work. It is nowhere close to making the stack work. files can/should contain the bare minimum that is known to be necessary to make a package work. But they can’t predict future incompatibilities, and they can’t predict interactions. And you don’t want all your packages changing versions arbitrarily. If you work with a lot of libraries you need those libraries to be pinned, and only update them when you want to update them, not just because an update has been released.
So for each piece of the stack we have a set of "requirements". This is a flat files that indicates all the packages to install. They can have explicit versions, far more restrictive than anything you should put in It also can check out from svn, including pinning to revisions. This installation plan can go in svn, you can do diffs on it, you can branch and copy and do whatever. Maybe at some point we could use it to keep cached copies of the libraries. For now it mostly uses easy_install (and python develop for checkouts).
In parallel we have a command-line program for just installing packages using files like this, called PoachEggs. I want to make this better, and have fassembler use it, but I mostly note it because it implements a feature that can "freeze" all your packages to a requirements file. You take a working build and freeze its requirements, giving explicit (==) versions for packages, and pin all the svn checkouts to a revision, so that the frozen requirements file will install exactly the packages you know work.
An alternative to this is what the Repoze guys are doing, which is to create a custom index that only includes the versions of libraries that you want. You then tell easy_install to use this instead of PyPI. It works with zc.buildout (and anything that uses easy_install), but I can’t get excited about it compared to a simple text file. I also want svn checkouts instead of create tarballs of the checkout — I like an editable environment, because the build is just as much to support developers as to support deployment.
The structure
A big part of the development of fassembler was nailing down the structure of our site, and moving to use tools like supervisor to manage our processes. A lot of these expectations are built into the builds and fassembler itself. This is part of what makes the build Work — the pieces all conform to a common structure with some basic standards. But this isn’t the build tool itself, it’s just a set of conventions.
I don’t know quite what to make of this. Extracting the conventions from the builds leads to a situation where you can more easily misconfigure things, and the installation process ends up being more documentation-based instead of code-based. We do not want to rely on documentation, because documentation is generally because of a flaw in the build process that needs explaining. It’s faster for everyone if the code is just right. Maybe these conventions could be put into code, separate from the build. The abstraction worries me, though — too much to keep track of?
What we don’t get right
The biggest problem is that fassembler is our own system and no one else uses it. If someone wants to use just a piece of our stack they either have to build it manually or they have to use our system which is meant to build all our pieces together with our conventions. There’s some pressure to use zc.buildout to make pieces more accessible to other Zope users. We’ve also found things that build with zc.buildout that we’d like to use (e.g., setups for varnish).
We haven’t figured out how to separate the code for building our stuff from the build software itself. There’s a bootstrapping problem: you need to get the build code to build a project, and so it can’t be part of the project you are building. zc.buildout uses configuration files (that aren’t code, so they lack the bootstrap problem) and it uses recipes (a kind of plugin) and has gone to quite a bit of effort to bootstrap everything. virtualenv also supports a kind of bootstrap which we use to do the initial setup of the environment, but it doesn’t support code organization in the style of zc.buildout.
Builds are also fairly tedious to write. They aren’t horrible, but they feel much longer than they should be. Part of their length, though, is that over time we put in more code to guard against environment differences or build errors, and more code to detect the environment. But compared to zc.buildout’s configuration files, it doesn’t feel quite as nice, and if it’s not as nice sometimes people are lazy and do ad hoc setups.
The future
We haven’t really decided, but as you might have noticed zc.buildout gets a lot of attention here. There’s quite a few things I don’t like about it, but a lot of these have to do with the recipes available. We don’t have to use the standard zc.buildout egg installation recipe. In fact that would be first on the chopping block, replaced with something much simpler that assumes you are running inside a virtualenv environment, and probably something that uses requirement files.
Also, we could extract filemaker into a library and recipes could use that. Possibly logging could be handled the same way (the logging module just isn’t designed for an interactive experience like a build tool). Then if we used other people’s recipes we might feel grumpy, since they’d use neither filemaker or our logging, but it would still work. And our recipes would be full of awesome. The one thing I don’t think we could do is introduce the template-based configuration. Or, if we did, it would be hard.
That said, there is a very different direction we could go, one inspired more by App Engine. In that model we build files under a directory, and that directory is the build. Wherever you build, you get the same files, period. All paths would be relative. All environmental detection would happen in code at runtime. Things that aren’t "files" exactly would simply be standard scripts. E.g., database setup would not be done by the build, but would be a script put in a standard location.
This second file-based model of building is very much different than the principles behind zc.buildout. zc.buildout requires rebuilding when anything changes, and does so without apology. It requires rebuilding to move the directories, or to move to different machines. Using a file-based model requires a lot of push-back into the products themselves. Applications have to be patched to accept smart relative paths. They have to manage themselves a lot more, detect their environment, handle any conflicts or ambiguities, being graceful about stuff like databases, because the files have to be universal. In an extreme case I could imagine going so far as to only keep a template for a configuration file, and write the real configuration file to a temporary location before starting a server (if the server cannot be patched to accept runtime location information).
So this is the choice ahead. I’m not sure when we’ll make this choice (if ever!) — build systems are dull and somewhat annoying, but they are no more dull and annoying than dealing with a poor build system. Actually, they are definitely less dull than working with a build system that isn’t good enough or powerful enough, or one that simply lacks the TLC necessary to keep builds working. So no choice is a choice too, and maybe a bad choice.
No related posts.
“But it does make the build more fragile (e.g., if you define a dependency incorrectly) and much harder to understand, and you constantly find yourself wiping the build and starting from scratch because you don’t trust the system.”
Dependency tracking is a feature, not a source of fragility. If you’re wiping the build because you don’t trust the system, perhaps you should be looking in the direction of the programmer and not the tools she uses.
Does dependency tracking matter that much for Python programs, where installation is mostly copying files and possibly a C extension or two? Any accumulated savings of time from avoiding redundant copying could be eaten up by the first two-hour debugging session that concludes “oh, I changed this thing but that thing over there didn’t get regenerated.” We’re not talking about GCC or Emacs, where a build can take a half hour.
Thanks for posting this. I’m working on build scripts for some Django projects (on Windows), and the parts on being humane got me thinking.
You’ll want to take a look at Vesta from DEC (later Compaq) for ideas on how to retain make’s efficiency while making dependencies impossible to miss. What you have done here is not clearly better than make. Vesta is.
I work with Ian at TOPP. I want to make explicit one of the most important things about fassembler. It’s not just a build tool, it’s a deployment tool. This is where the don’t-overwrite-without-prompting feature really shines, and some other things Ian didn’t mention like automatically checking your configuration files into subversion. This has greatly reduced the amount of pain involved in deploying our rather large stack.
The downsides: There are a lot of TOPP-specific conventions baked in, as Ian noted. We don’t expect that you’re going to download fassembler today and start using it for your own projects. Even if you use subversion, and even if what you want to build is the openplans stack, you’re really not going to want to check your configuration into TOPP’s svn repository, so the first thing you have to learn is the option to use another repository, which right away suggests that maybe this tool isn’t really aimed at you. Even within TOPP, the always-check-config-into-svn feature is a bit silly at times (dev sandbox builds, buildbot builds and the like).
We also are a very nix-centric shop, so we have no Windows story at all.
And I agree that builds do feel more tedious to write than I would like. We’ll keep working on that.
Some of the other flaws are just inherent in the underlying infrastructure, like python packages being hosted all over the place. I don’t like that our build failure rate is a function of the number of external websites hosting packages we need. It’s actually 1-(average_uptime**n). In practice it’s high enough to be quite annoying, especially since a given site’s downtime tends to be clumpy.
Maybe a caching HTTP proxy would help somewhat, or something like zc.buildout’s local egg cache. In practice we end up manually dumping copies of eggs into our local apache and configuring the build to look there.
>So you detect changes and remake things only as necessary. For compilation this might make sense, because you edit code and recompile a lot and it’s tedious to wait.
The pure dependency based is the reason why make is much better tool than say ant, nant, etc…
It’s great when properly written makefile completes in
Yes, perhaps one of the reasons people are picking up on file dependencies is that I started right in without describing what we’re doing. There’s a lot of different “build tools” that do radically different things. Finding the overlap between Paver and Fabric would be hard.
This build tool is for deploying our stack, for production, testing, and development. It doesn’t do anything special for remote deployments (unlike Capistrano). It isn’t focused on compiling because nearly everything we have runs from source (as a result we’d save no time figuring out file dependencies).
Note to “X X”: You’re assuming efficiency is a big problem for our use cases. It’s been a total non-issue.
EDIT: partly this is because, as Ian noted, most of our stuff isn’t compiled. For instance, a build from scratch of our most complex product (opencore) takes less than ten minutes on old hardware, the bulk of which is download time. Rebuilds take less than a minute; largely this is because we delegate to tools that already handle dependency checking (easy-install, make, etc).
For the few things we install from big tarballs (like Zope), we just manually added a check for an up-to-date tarball. This takes a few lines of code, whereas in Make it’d “just work”. But there are relatively few cases where we care, so this hasn’t been much burden.
Ian, regarding your idea of pushing support for relative paths into upstream dependencies: That sounds like a nice beautiful simple world, but I just don’t see how that’s an achievable goal in practice. We might get patches accepted by some upstream projects, assuming we have the time and smarts to do so; that has some inherent value, but as long as there’s one holdout that we really need, we’re stuffed.
Not to say that we wouldn’t want the build to run faster… but to make it run faster we’d do work the package installation which is where a lot of the time goes, i.e., changes to easy_install, caching download dependencies, maybe using PyPI XMLRPC, or things like that.
While this approach is obviously working for them, I can’t help but think it could cause problems in the future. You’ve essentially linearized your dependency graph, and while the current linearization is presumably correct, any change to the way the system works could render it incorrect, silently or with a big bang. Explicitly encoding your dependencies can be hard, but in my experience it results in a much less fragile, much more easily understandable system. I’ve even used [graphviz]( to visualize dependency graphs, which can make clumsy architecture easier to spot.
We don’t have a dependency system because we run all steps on every build. Any skipped steps are done on a case-by-case basis with careful checks specific to the step we are skipping. I really can’t imagine anything a dependency system could accomplish. If you can imagine something, then you are probably thinking of a different kind of tool than ours, one that serves a different purpose and is used for different tasks.
I’m pretty glad you noticed minitage as i don’t have even released it officially yet.
The zc.buildout rebuilding’s habit is one of the main things that make me made minitage. I’m happy with zc.buildout but rebuilding everything is simply not acceptable. So i just do it in an atomic way now. It builds one thing, at one place, that’s all. So we can afford to rebuild something entirely as just that will be rebuilt.
Although minitage is working at the moment, it can be rough to be used by a classical user.
Because the documentation is not really all up to date to the new version.
Because it is made by a geek :p
Because this is inspired by complicated tools (Gentoo’s portage, or other ports systems.)
What can that brings to you ?
Minitage lives on top of virtualenv, virtualenv will set its prefix.
More than just installing python libraries, it installs also system software pieces like postgresql or even python. Its final goal is to deploy a project from start to end in a re-usable manner.
Free from zc.recipe.egg. I didn’t like too the approach of that recipe. Offline mode / local indexes were very problematic with it. So i implemented a recipe for minitage that borrowed code from zc.recipe.egg at the difference that it ll search in the cache before looking online for dependencies. That means if you have putted the egg inside the cache prior from this buildout execution, there will be no Online access at all, no index check.
SVN (and others scms, ftp or http urls) checkouts can be up to you too with that recipe. See this buildout template: You can have it with paster and minitage.paste (minitage.geodjango template) It uses custom GeoDjango egg that is not on pypi, and svn checkout to get the sources to build :)
An enhanced CMMI build recipe wich integrates well with minitage for building “compiled” dependencies and interlink with other stuff installed into minitage.
More than an abstraction, minitage is in spirit a meta package manager. It does nothing by itself and relies on ‘install methods’. At this time, only buildout is available but it is as simply as to make recipes to implement install methods. Its only goal is to maintain dependencies to schedule the build process order and the install layout :
For the log verbosity, minitage is pretty loud :p .
NA: The documentation moved to, you seemed to use a pretty old link.
Hi Ian,
Thanks for writing up all of your thoughts about build tools (and for mentioning Paver). I should note that Paver uses a modified that supports “dry-run”. It could easily be extended further to support prompting, which is something I just hadn’t thought of.
I’ve been considering zc.buildout integration as my next step for Paver, but I’m going to think about minitage and the process you’ve created around virtualenv, because I have noticed some of the same annoyances with zc.buildout that you have. One thing that made buildout integration appealing to me is that there are so many recipes that people have written for a variety of things. However, I think that many of these recipes exist simply because that’s the only way to write code for a buildout, which is buildout’s most annoying trait, imho. (I believe someone has written a recipe that lets you put some code in your buildout config file, but eww…)
By the way, so far I have not at all regretted my decision for Paver’s configuration and task definition to be entirely in Python. For Python programmers, there’s very little that is unclear about what will happen. (The trickiest things at present are those areas around distutils integration.)
Paver supports lazy evaluation of configuration items via callables (lambdas, generally). This has worked fine for my needs thus far.
On the whole, I’m quite happy to see all of this activity around build tools, because it has been a source of annoyance (obviously for many).
Thanks for sharing this.
I’ve had the same problem – building a tool to deploy []( site (uses Pylons, Django, WordPress, Openads and lots of other smaller libs).
Thus your reflections with fassember/zc.buildout were helpful to “diff against”.
I use Tempita to write deployment-specific files, such as paste .ini or apache vhost files. Configuration data stored in YAML format; there is a common.yaml which holds shared config info plus a .yaml file per each deployment, which contain deployment-specific options like database creds.
Each build/deployment is “self-contained”, that is, all files are put under a specific dir. The system env is configured (with symlinks or direct configuration) to use corresponding bits from the deployment. E.g. crond looks for its script under DROOT/environ/cron.* dirs.
My main “issue” with it – since it’s built by me (in-house) it means I have to maintain it. ;) Therefore I’d like to migrate/use some existing tool if/when it is available. Some [capistrano for python]( or whatever it would be.
So you detect changes and remake things only as necessary. For compilation this might make sense, because you edit code and recompile a lot and it’s tedious to wait.
The pure dependency based is the reason why make is much better tool than say ant, nant, etc…
It’s great when properly written makefile completes in