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February 2010

Why toppcloud (Silver Lining) will not be agnostic

I haven’t received a great deal of specific feedback on toppcloud (update: renamed Silver Lining), only a few people (Ben Bangert, Jorge Vargas) seem to have really dived deeply into it. But — and this is not unexpected — I have already gotten several requests about making it more agnostic with respect to… stuff. Maybe that it not (at least forever) require Ubuntu. Or maybe that it should support different process models (e.g., threaded and multiple processes). Or other versions of Python.

The more I think about it, and the more I work with the tool, the more confident I am that toppcloud should not be agnostic on these issues. This is not so much about an "opinionated" tool; toppcloud is not actually very opinionated. It’s about a well-understood system.

For instance, Ben noticed a problem recently with weird import errors. I don’t know quite why mod_wsgi has this particular problem (when other WSGI servers that I’ve used haven’t), but the fix isn’t that hard. So Ben committed a fix and the problem went away.

Personally I think this is a bug with mod_wsgi. Maybe it’s also a Python bug. But it doesn’t really matter. When a bug exists it "belongs" to everyone who encounters it.

toppcloud is not intended to be a transparent system. When it’s working correctly, you should be able to ignore most of the system and concentrate on the relatively simple abstractions given to your application. So if the configuration reveals this particular bug in Python/mod_wsgi, then the bug is essentially a toppcloud bug, and toppcloud should (and can) fix it.

A more flexible system can ignore such problems as being "somewhere else" in the system. Or, if you don’t define these problems as someone else’s problem, then a more flexible system is essentially always broken somewhere; there is always some untested combination, some new component, or some old component that might get pushed into the mix. Fixes for one person’s problem may introduce a new problem in someone else’s stack. Some fixes aren’t even clear. toppcloud has Varnish in place, so it’s quite clear where a fix related to Django and Varnish configuration goes. If these were each components developed by different people at different times (like with buildout recipes) then fixing something like this could get complicated.

So I feel very resolved: toppcloud will hardcode everything it possibly can. Python 2.6 and only 2.6! (Until 2.7, but then only 2.7!). Only Varnish/Apache/mod_wsgi. I haven’t figured out threads/processes exactly, but once I do, there will be only one way! And if I get it wrong, then everyone (everyone) will have to switch when it is corrected! Because I’d much rather have a system that is inflexible than one that doesn’t work. With a clear and solid design I think it is feasible to get this to work, and that is no small feat.

Relatedly, I think I’m going to change the name of toppcloud, so ideas are welcome!

Silver Lining

Comments (23)


Leaving TOPP

After three and a half years at The Open Planning Project, my time there is done.

For a while TOPP has been trying to find itself, to determine what it is that it can do best, and how to do that. I think TOPP has finally started really figuring that out, focusing on civic participation, revisiting "planning", and though it’s not fully developed there seems to be a strong potential for TOPP to serve as a point of collaboration for other more ad hoc open source government efforts: government workers and volunteers can provide substantial and well-informed development efforts, but the long-term shepherding of a project is difficult, and TOPP has the potential to provide that kind of long-term neutral guidance. At the same time, communities of people have been developing around these issues; people have gotten past simply calling for government to be inclusive or transparent and have started to do the real work of making that happen.

But… unfortunately I won’t be able to figure out their next steps with them. Mark Gorton has been very generous in his support of TOPP, and helped us get started. But while he has been patient, and even at times seemingly immune from the economic trends… well, he’s not immune, and he has had to cut back his support for TOPP before we were able to become self-sufficient. And so there have been layoffs, myself among them.

I suspect what I’ll do next will have a very different focus. This feels a bit weird, a kind of lost identity. Overall I’m feeling pretty optimistic about finding something new and interesting to do, but I’m still a bit melancholy about leaving things behind. That TOPP and the people I’ve worked with are far away in New York makes it feel like more of a loss because I don’t know when I’ll be back next. But onward and upward! Now to find out what is next…


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Weave: valuable client-side data

I’ve been looking at Weave some lately. The large-print summary on the page is Synchronize Your Firefox Experience Across Desktop and Mobile. Straight forward enough.

Years and years ago I stopped really using bookmarks. You lose them moving from machine to machine (which Weave could help), but mostly I stopped using them because it was too hard to (a) identify interesting content and place it into a taxonomy and (b) predict what I would later be interested in. If I wanted to refer to something I’d seen before there’s a good chance I wouldn’t have saved it, while my bookmarks would be flooded with things that time would show were of transient interest.

So… synchronizing bookmarks, eh. Saved form data and logins? Sure, that’s handy. It would make browsing on multiple machines nicer. But it feels more like a handy tweak.

All my really useful data is kept on servers, categorized and protected by a user account. Why is that? Well, of course, where else would you keep it? In cookies? Ha!

Why not in cookies? So many reasons… because cookies are opaque and can’t hold much data, can’t be exchanged, and probably worst of all they just disappear randomly.

What if cookies weren’t so impossibly lame for holding important data? Suddenly sync seems much more interesting. Instead of storing documents and data on a website, the website could put all that data right into your browser. And conveniently HTML 5 has an API for that. Everyone thinks about that API as a way of handling off-line caching, because while it handles many problems with cookies it doesn’t handle the problem of data disappearing as you move between computers and browser. That’s where Weave synchronization could change things. I don’t think this technique is something appropriate for every app (maybe not most apps), but it could allow a new class of applications.

Advantages: web development and scaling becomes easy. If you store data in the browser scaling is almost free; serving static pages is a Solved Problem. Development is easier because development and deployment of HTML and Javascript is pretty easy. Forking is easy — just copy all the resources. So long as you don’t hardcode absolute links into your Javascript, you can even just save from the browser and get a working local copy of the application.

Disadvantages: another silo. You might complain about Facebook keeping everyone’s data, but the data in Facebook is still more transparent than data held in files or locally with a browser. Let’s say you create a word processor that uses local storage for all its documents. If you stored that document online sharing and collaboration would be really easy; but with it stored locally the act of sharing is not as automatic, and collaboration is very hard. Sure, the "user" is in "control" of their data, but that would be more true on paper than in practice. Building collaboration on top of local storage is hard, and without that… maybe it’s not that interesting?

Anyway, there is an interesting (but maybe Much Too Hard) problem in there. (DVCS in the browser?)

Update: in this video Aza talks about just what I talk about here. A few months ago. The Weave APIs also allude to things like this, including collaboration. So… they are on it!


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toppcloud (Silver Lining) and Django

I wrote up instructions on using toppcloud (update: renamed Silver Lining) with Django. They are up on the site (where they will be updated in the future), but I’ll drop them here too…

Creating a Layout

First thing you have to do (after installing toppcloud of course) is create an environment for your new application. Do that like:

$ toppcloud init sampleapp

This creates a directory sampleapp/ with a basic layout. The first thing we’ll do is set up version control for our project. For the sake of documentation, imagine you go to bitbucket and create two new repositories, one called sampleapp and another called sampleapp-lib (and for the examples we’ll use the username USER).

We’ll go into our new environment and use these:

$ cd sampleapp
$ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/USER/sampleapp src/sampleapp
$ rm -r lib/python/
$ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/USER/sampleapp-lib lib/python
$ mkdir lib/python/bin/
$ echo "syntax: glob
> lib/python/.hgignore
$ mv bin/* lib/python/bin/
$ rmdir bin/
$ ln -s lib/python/bin bin

Now there is a basic layout setup, with all your libraries going into the sampleapp-lib repository, and your main application in the sampleapp repository.

Next we’ll install Django:

$ source bin/activate
$ pip install Django

Then we’ll set up a standard Django site:

$ cd src/sampleapp
$ django-admin.py sampleapp

Also we’d like to be able to import this file. It’d be nice if there was a setup.py file, and we could run pip -e src/sampleapp, but django-admin.py doesn’t create that itself. Instead we’ll get that on the import path more manually with a .pth file:

$ echo "../../src/sampleapp" > lib/python/sampleapp.pth

Also there’s the tricky $DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE that you might have had problems with before. We’ll use the file lib/python/toppcustomize.py (which is imported everytime Python is started) to make sure that is always set:

$ echo "import os
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'sampleapp.settings'
> lib/python/toppcustomize.py

Also we have a file src/sampleapp/sampleapp/manage.py, and that file doesn’t work quite how we’d like. Instead we’ll put a file into bin/manage.py that does the same thing:

$ rm sampleapp/manage.py
$ cd ../..
$ echo '#!/usr/bin/env python
from django.core.management import execute_manager
from sampleapp import settings
if __name__ == "__main__":
> bin/manage.py
$ chmod +x bin/manage.py

Now, if you were just using plain Django you’d do something like run python manage.py runserver. But we’ll be using toppcloud serve instead, which means we have to set up the two other files toppcloud needs: app.ini and the runner. Here’s a simple app.ini:

$ echo '[production]
app_name = sampleapp
version = 1
runner = src/sampleapp/toppcloud-runner.py
> src/sampleapp/toppcloud-app.ini
$ rm app.ini
$ ln -s src/sampleapp/toppcloud-app.ini app.ini

The file must be in the "root" of your application, and named app.ini, but it’s good to keep it in version control, so we set it up with a symlink.

It also refers to a "runner", which is the Python file that loads up the WSGI application. This looks about the same for any Django application, and we’ll put it in src/sampleapp/toppcloud-runner.py:

$ echo 'import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
> src/sampleapp/toppcloud-runner.py

Now if you want to run the application, you can:

$ toppcloud serve .

This will load it up on http://localhost:8080, and serve up a boring page. To do something interesting we’ll want to use a database.

Setting Up A Database

At the moment the only good database to use is PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extensions. Add this line to app.ini:

service.postgis =

This makes the database "available" to the application. For development you still have to set it up yourself. You should create a database sampleapp on your computer.

Next, we’ll need to change settings.py to use the new database configuration. Here’s the lines that you’ll see:

DATABASE_ENGINE = ''           # 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
DATABASE_NAME = ''             # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
DATABASE_USER = ''             # Not used with sqlite3.
DATABASE_PASSWORD = ''         # Not used with sqlite3.
DATABASE_HOST = ''             # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3.
DATABASE_PORT = ''             # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.

First add this to the top of the file:

import os

Then you’ll change those lines to:

DATABASE_ENGINE = 'postgresql_psycopg2'

Now we can create all the default tables:

$ manage.py syncdb
Creating table auth_permission
Creating table auth_group
Creating table auth_user
Creating table auth_message
Creating table django_content_type
Creating table django_session
Creating table django_site

Now we have an empty project that doesn’t do anything. Let’s make it do a little something (this is all really based on the Django tutorial).

$ manage.py startapp polls

Django magically knows to put the code in src/sampleapp/sampleapp/polls/ — we’ll setup the model in src/sampleapp/sampleapp/polls/models.py:

from django.db import models

class Poll(models.Model):
    question = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')

class Choice(models.Model):
    poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll)
    choice = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    votes = models.IntegerField()

And activate the application by adding 'sampleapp.polls' to INSTALLED_APPS in src/sampleapp/sampleapp/settings.py. Also add 'django.contrib.admin' to get the admin app in place. Run manage.py syncdb to get the tables in place.

You can try toppcloud serve . and go to /admin/ to login and see your tables. You might notice all the CSS is broken.

toppcloud serves static files out of the static/ directory. You don’t actually put static in the URLs, these files are available at the top-level (unless you create a static/static/ directory). The best way to put files in there is generally symbolic links.

For Django admin, do this:

$ cd static
$ ln -s ../lib/python/django/contrib/admin/media admin-media

Now edit src/sampleapp/sampleapp/settings.py and change ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX to '/admin-media'.

(Probably some other links should be added.)

One last little thing you might want to do; replace this line in


With this:

from tcsupport.secret import get_secret
SECRET_KEY = get_secret()

Then you don’t have to worry about checking a secret into version control.

You still don’t really have an application, but the rest is mere "programming" so have at it!

Silver Lining

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