All articles

  1. Firefox Was Always Enough

    There are many concerns about Mozilla right now, and reason to be concerned. While I am no longer with Mozilla, it’s still a place that supported me for many years; I believe in Mozilla and want the project to succeed.

    Mozilla’s one product

    It’s not always clear …

  2. Project ideas for (what’s left of) 2020

    While I’m conflicted with the need to find a …

  3. Thoughts on Voice Interfaces

    I’ve been working on the Consumer Voice Products team in Mozilla for about a year now. My primary project has been Firefox Voice, but our mandate is larger.

    I still feel like a beginner in the area of voice, but I have developed some opinions. Many observations are the …

  4. My Lunch With A White Supremacist

    About ten years ago I got a call out of the blue from Soren. I’d always published my phone number on my website, and it’s only been used a handful of times. Hardly anyone wants to actually call another person.

    Soren had come upon a post of mine …

  5. To All The Mothers

    When we were expecting our first, when we couldn’t actually do anything but wait while Emily’s body did all the parenting that could be done, when we spent a lot of time on idle research, I looked up mammary glands on Wikipedia.

    The theory is that they began …

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This is the personal site of Ian Bicking. The opinions expressed here are my own.