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  1. Users want control” is a shoulder shrug

    Making the claim “users want control” is the same as saying you don’t know what users want, you don’t know what is good, and you don’t know what their goals are.

    I first started thinking about this during the debate over what would become the ACA. The …

  2. The Firefox Experiments I Would Have Liked To Try

    I have been part of the Firefox Test Pilot team for several years. I had a long list of things I wanted to build. Some I didn’t personally want to build, but I thought they were interesting ideas. I didn’t get very far through this list at all …

  3. The Over-engaged Knowledge Worker

    I recently listened to a discussion of knowledge work in the browser. Along the way people imagined idealized workflows and the tools that could enable them. This result felt familiar from concept videos since forever (such as this old Mozilla concept video):

    The result featured lots of jet-setting highly engaged …

  4. Conway’s Corollary

    Conway’s Law states:

    organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations

    I’ve always read this as an accusation: we are doomed to recreate the structure of our organizations in the structure of software projects. And further: projects …

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This is the personal site of Ian Bicking. The opinions expressed here are my own.