You’ve reached my homepage on the world wide web. Hello!
On the internet I’m a computer programmer. Not on the internet I am also a computer programmer, but I also have a wife and two daughters. I live in Minneapolis, in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood. On the internet I live here; on social media I am active on Mastodon, Blue Sky, a little on Threads.
I worked at Mozilla for 10 years until 2020, Meta Reality Labs until 2022, and until 2024. You can read more about what I’m doing on my projects page.
As of December 2024 I am currently looking for work. I really enjoy working with LLMs, and I believe there is important work to be done at this moment; I want to find people who feel the same and are approaching this moment with both ambition and care.
Getting in contact
My list of online personas:
- [email protected]
- My blog
- @[email protected] for Mastodon
- @ianbicking on Blue Sky
- ibicking on Threads
- Facebook (personal/family, non-professional)
- ianb on github
- Resume
I’ve been posting some videos of my hobby work:
Not online, my mobile number is 773-870-0645, and I will rely on you to use that appropriately (never really been a problem so far; I guess cold calling is too scary). And my address is 3015 10th Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55407.
This blog is powered by Pelican. The theme was based on cebong. The entire thing is on github.