A little while ago I decided to whip up a small Atompub server to get my head around the Atom Publishing Protocol. I called it FlatAtomPub because it was just storing stuff in flat files. I’m not committing to that name. It was also a chance to kick the …
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Re-raising Exceptions
After reading Chris McDonough’s What Not To Do When Writing Python Software, it occurred to me that many people don’t actually know how to properly re-raise exceptions. So a little mini-tutorial for Python programmers, about exceptions…
First, this is bad:
try: some_code() except: revert_stuff() raise Exception("some_code failed …
So, today is 9/11. I almost missed it. It’s not like it catches you by surprise, you’re not going to forget the date. But it’s just been slipping by for a few years now without much notice.
As an event it is still very important. History …
Doctest for Ruby
Finally, someone wrote a version of doctest for Ruby.
Recently I’ve been writing most of my tests using stand-alone doctest files. It’s a great way to do TDD — mostly because the cognitive load is so low. Also, I write my examples but don’t write my output, then …
The Shrinking Python Web Framework World
When I was writing the summary of differences between WebOb and other request objects, to remind myself of web frameworks I might have forgotten I went to the WebFrameworks page on the Python wiki.
Looking through that page I’m reminded how many framework options there have been. And I …
Reflection and Description Of Meaning
After writing my last post I thought I might follow up with a bit of cognitive speculation. Since the first comment was exactly about the issue I was thinking about writing on, I might as well follow up quickly.
Jeff Snell replied:
You parse semantic markup in rich text all …
Of Microformats and the Semantic Web
I was talking a little with Daniel Krech (author of rdflib) about Semantic Web stuff and microformats and what they all mean. And he was saying that microformats were nice, because you could do something with them, but it would be nice to see that generalized.
By “generalized” I think …
Atom Publishing Protocol: Atompub
Doing stuff with the Atom Publishing Protocol, I’ve noticed that it goes by two (shortened) names: APP and Atompub. I’d become used to calling it APP, but I’ve decided to make a conscious effort to call it Atompub from now on, and I encourage you all to …