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  1. Atompub as an alternative to WebDAV

    I’ve been thinking about an import/export API for PickyWiki; I want something that’s sensible, and works well enough that it can be the basic for things like creating restorable snapshots, integration with version control systems, and being good at self-hosting documentation.

    So far I’ve made a …

  2. Avoiding Silos: “link” as a first-class object

    One of the constant annoyances to me in web applications is the self-proclaimed need for those applications to know about everything and do everything, and only spotty ad hoc techniques for including things from other applications.

    An example might be blog navigation or search, where you can only include data …

  3. lxml: an underappreciated web scraping library

    When people think about web scraping in Python, they usually think BeautifulSoup. That’s okay, but I would encourage you to also consider lxml.

    First, people think BeautifulSoup is better at parsing broken HTML. This is not correct. lxml parses broken HTML quite nicely. I haven’t done any thorough …

  4. The Magic Sentinel

    In an effort to get back on the blogging saddle, here’s a little note on default values in Python.

    In Python there are often default values. The most typical default value is None — None is a object of vague meaning that almost screams “I’m a default”. But sometimes …

  5. pyinstall is dead, long live pip!

    I’ve finished renaming pyinstall to its new name: pip. The name pip is a acronym and declaration: pip installs packages.

    I’ve also added a small feature intended for Google App Engine users, allowing you to zip and unzip packages in an environment. For instance:

    $ pip zip --list
    In …

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This is the personal site of Ian Bicking. The opinions expressed here are my own.